Mint Design Studio

How can we help you today? Contact the | Call 01903 695400

uk south coast design studio

brand | website | promotional print

We know marketing budgets need to be spent wisely and well, which takes planning and thought. There are many branding, website and print firms out there so we know we need to try our best to impress you!

made to order

We would like to find out how we can help. To request a quotation and discuss your requirements please call the team on 01903 695400 or email You may prefer to talk in person, in which case please get in touch to arrange an appointment. Every visitor to the Mint studio is made welcome. If you are visiting us for the first time, coffee is served with a generous slice of our signature bake, Minty Millionaires Shortcake! Created for us by

hello from Kate

Kate Honey is team leader at Mint Design Studio and Lead Ambassador at the Worthing & Adur Chamber of Commerce. Direct email

"I thoroughly enjoy my work, Mint customers are amazing! Essentially we help businesses grow and thrive by designing, coordinating and improving their brand, website, promotional materials and strategy. I want every customer to feel we're on their side and working hard as part of their team. I like to think that our customers are not only impressed with what we do but how we do it; efficiently and with a smile."